When shops open up again in Victoria, make sure they’re really open

Aug 20, 2020 | Glass Sliding Doors

2020 hasn’t gone as expected. That’s a bit of an understatement, isn’t it? Listen, we know it’s been tough, especially on anyone trying to manage a restaurant or retail establishment here in Melbourne. The months ahead might not be easy, but with our state of the art sliding glass door system, we like to think that you’ll be able to make up for lost customers and lost time!

Here’s how…


Eyes on the prize

When lockdown ends and stores open back up, you’ll want your store to be seen instantly by passers by so that they associate your shop, restaurant or cafe with a positive and freeing experience. The #1 thing that will be sure to deter customers from entering your establishment is darkness, or a closed-up appearing space. After being trapped within their homes for so many weeks, the last thing anyone wants to experience is another closed-up space. 

Instead, present your customers with the polar opposite of a closed-up looking storefront. Treat them, instead, to an open, light and effortlessly easy experience with wide-open Clear Edge Glass doors! Able to be closed and locked securely over night, then folded neatly away in the morning, our transparent, frameless floor-to-ceiling glass doors are a welcome sight (or lack thereof) for eager shoppers and diners looking to head out of their homes after lockdown. 


Less is more

Spare your customers and diners from reading walls of unsavory signage. Don’t bombard them with advertisement posters and lists of on-special foods or services. Show, don’t tell. Let a wide-open store managed by friendly faces and decorated with lovely products or furnishings do the talking! Let them smell the aroma of freshly ground coffee. Let them see diners sharing delicious tapas. Let them get a good passing look at all the intricate little objects available for sale in your store. Let them see everything and be inspired to venture forward for a closer look, or a taste of the experience you offer, through our wide-open, totally retractable glass door system!